报告题目:Towards the Design of Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems: A Formal Approach。 基于形式化方法的信息物理系统安全防护
报告人:殷翔 副教授
主持人:李天成 教授
报告简介:Cyber-physical systems are at the core of key infrastructure in our society. Ever-increasing demands for safety, security, and certification of these critical systems put stringent constraints on their design and necessitate the use of formal model-based approaches. This talk presents recently developed formal methodologies for analysis and control of cyber-physical systems. We focus on the design of safety-critical cyber-physical systems. We will present correct-by-construction design approach for controller synthesis. Then we will discuss how to use formal model-based approach for the purpose of fault diagnosis. Finally, we will discuss how to leverage formal techniques for security analysis of CPS.
殷翔,上海交通大学自动化系副教授,博士生导师,国家“青年海外高层次人才引进计划”入选者。2012年本科毕业于浙江大学电气工程学院,2017年于美国密西根大学EECS系获得博士学位,随后加入上海交通大学。现任IEEE控制系统协会-离散事件系统委员会共同主席。主要从事信息物理系统的分析与控制、工业控制系统安全防护与故障诊断、形式化方法等领域研究。近五年在IEEE TAC和Automatica两刊发表论文24篇(长文8篇)。入选2018年度福布斯“30岁以下科技精英榜”,曾获IEEE CDC最佳论文提名奖等荣誉。