报告人:陈子亭(Che Ting Chan)
主题:Some chiral electromagnetic structures with unusual properties
报告摘要:I will discuss some metamaterial carrying chiral structures that exhibit some interesting properties. That includes networks that have non-trivial topology that can couple orbital angular momenta with the wave vector. Such systems exhibit angular momentum-dependent one-way edge states, and their properties can be described using local Chern numbers. Other examples include systems that can realize ‘anti-duality’, leading to nodal lines in momentum space. Such systems also exhibit one-way edge modes that can be used to achieve optical pulling in a channel.
报告人简介:陈子亭教授(Che Ting Chan),美国物理学会会士(Fellow),现为香港科技大学物理学系讲座教授、超材料研究中心主任、香港科技大学科研院院长(Director of Research Office),担任《ACS Photonics》期刊副主编。曾任香港科技大学高等研究院院长。曾获得海外华人物理学会亚洲成就奖(2000)、Croucher高级研究成就奖(2010)、迈克尔•盖尔杰出教学奖(Michael Gale Medal, 1999)和布里渊奖章(2013)。陈教授在光子晶体、超材料领域的多项开创性工作在著名期刊Science,Nature Photonics,Nature Materials,Nature Physics,Physical Review Letters、Physical Review X上发表70余篇。