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【学术报告】研究生灵犀学术殿堂第515期之Beate Paulus报告会预告通知

发布时间:2019年11月07日 来源:生命学院 点击数:


云顶集团定于2019年11月25日举办研究生灵犀学术殿堂——Beate Paulus教授报告会,现将有关事项通知如下:


报告人:Beate Paulus教授

时 间:2019年11月25日(星期一) 下午14:00(开始时间)

地 点:长安校区数字化大楼102

主 题:Surface Science - An Insight from Theory

内容简介:Chemical reactions are catalyzed at surfaces; electronic and transport properties of devices are sensitively determined by the chemical nature of the interfaces; and adsorption characteristics of water determines the corrosion processes of materials. To name only a few examples it is clear, many daily-life phenomena rely on the actual atomic structure of surfaces.

Experimentally, it is not so easy to separate the influence of different parameters and to get atomic resolution of the processes of interest. Theoretical models, atomically resolved and based on quantum theory, the so-called ab initio methods, can predict material and surface properties and increase the understanding of the elementary processes on surfaces.

This talk will present several applications in this field. Oxide materials are the main constituents of concrete, and their interaction with water leads to corrosion. The question arises, whether the fluorination of aluminum oxides can protect the oxides from corrosion (1). Homogeneous catalysts are mainly used for fluorination reactions in the lab scale, but for large- scale production heterogeneous catalyst are preferred. We investigate a new material named ACF, where an aluminum fluoride is doped with chloride. This amorphous material (2) can catalyze various fluorination reactions, the model reactions of this catalysis can be investigated using density functional methods.

Famous for its electronic properties is graphene, but its usage in electronic devices is very often in connection with substrates. We have investigated the change in electronic and magnetic properties of graphene and its derivatives on different metal surfaces (3,4). However, chemical modification will significantly change the electronic properties of graphene. We investigated asymmetrically halogenated graphene materials (5) that would be sensible for CO detection at ambient conditions. As an example, these materials can be used for example as charge separation in solar devices and cyano-functionalized graphene (6). All these investigations use advanced electronic structure methods to achieve the necessary accuracy to compare with experimental results. These methods must be improved further, one possibility is the family of the local correlation methods, which allow the application of highly accurate wavefunction-based correlation methods to an extended system. One example of the application of such methods that I will present is the adsorption of a water molecule in carbon nanotubes (7), where one finds qualitatively different results for wavefunction-based methods and density functional theory.


(1)J. Wirth, J. Schacht, P. Saalfrank, B. Paulus, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 9713-9718 (2016).

(2)R. Pandharkar, Ch. Becker, J.H. Budau, Z. Kaawar, B. Paulus Inorganics 6, 124, (2018).

(3)L.E. Marsoner Steinkasserer, B. Paulus, E. Voloshina, Chem. Phys. Lett. 597, 148 (2014).

(4) J.Tesch, et al. Sci. Rep. 6, 23439 (2016).

(5)L.E. Marsoner Steinkasserer, A. Zarantonello, B. Paulus, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 25629, (2016).

(6)L.E. Marsoner Steinkasserer, V. Pohl, B. Paulus, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 084703 (2018).

(7)S. Lei, B. Paulus, S. Li, B. Schmidt, J. Comp. Chem. 37, 1313 (2016).











Beate Paulus,德国柏林自由大学W3教授,国际知名的理论化学家。1995年于马克斯-普朗克复杂系统物理研究所获得博士学位(导师:Peter Fulde教授)。2007年成为柏林自由大学理论化学W2教授。2011年晋升为W3正教授。曾任柏林自由大学化学生物研究所所长。研究兴趣包括材料科学、表面吸附过程及二维材料的电子结构、主客体化学、氟化学。担任DFG, ERC grants、洪堡基金等函评专家。迄今已发表学术论文155篇,H-index 27。