报告主题:The Mistrust of Experts by Populists
Abstract: Experts are commonly relied on not only in issues involving a scientific-technological dimension but throughout the entire landscape of human experience. To the extent that the human world is made possible by reliance on experts, however, it is also made vulnerable to mistrust and denial of experts, of expert advice, and of their associated institutions. Mistrust of experts and their institutions is now an established feature of the political landscape in the United States. What makes this mistrust possible, and what might be done about it?
罗伯特·克里兹(Robert P. Crease),现为美国纽约州立大学石溪分校(Stony Brook University)哲学系教授、系主任,Physics in Perspective(Springer)共同主编,主要著作有The Quantum Moment(中译本《量子时刻:奇妙的不确定性》,人民邮电出版社2016年版)、World in the Balance(中译本《度量世界:探索绝对度量衡体系的历史》,三联书店2018年版)以及最新的著作The Workshop and the World(W. W. Norton, 2019)。