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关于“英国驻华使馆-西工大创业就业能力日”活动的通知 UK-NPU Entrepreneurship and Employability Education Day

发布时间:2019年04月25日 来源:云顶集团7610官方网站伦敦玛丽女王大学工程学院 点击数:





英国驻华使馆Nick Low参赞和中国英国商会执委会成员、教育论坛主席Julian Fisher先生将亲临现场,更加深入地解读在华英国雇主们的观点和期望。











Julian Fisher

Julian Fisher is a member of the British Chamber of Commerce’s Executive Committee and Chair of their Education Forum. He is also the co-founder and Senior Partner of Venture Education, incoming President of the Entrepreneurs’ Organisation in Beijing and has recently delivered a guest lecture for Harvard University. Formerly he was head of department in a British school and an IELTS examiner for the British Council.

Julian Fisher是中国英国商会执行委员会的成员和教育论坛主席,候任北京创业家协会主席,与合作伙伴联合创立了问创教育并担任高级合伙人。近日他还在哈佛大学进行了一场成功的客座演讲。此外,Julian Fisher还曾担任英国国际学校学系主任,并任英国文化教育协会的雅思考官。

Charlotte Smith

Charlotte Smith is a passionate educator with an entrepreneurial spirit. She has built a career in education across five countries over the past ten years. For three years, she directed a top-ranking education project delivering original enterprise and entrepreneurship curriculum to over twenty public middle and high schools in partnership with local government in Beijing. In 2017, she was appointed a forum co-chair at the British Chamber of Commerce in China and runs an annual initiative to cultivate leadership, creativity, communication and entrepreneurship in young British and Chinese professionals. Currently a Senior Partner in Venture Education, she leads teams to develop innovative education products and manage large-scale events with influential institutions.

Charlotte Smith女士是一位具备创新创业精神并富有激情的教育从业者。在过去十年中,她曾在五个国家工作并成就了一番事业。她曾牵头负责与北京市政府合作项目,共为20多所公办初中和高中提供了创新创业教育课程。2017年,她被任命为中国英国商会论坛联席主席,为中英业界专业人士举办一年一度的活动,培养他们的领导力、创造力、沟通和创新创业技能。她是问创教育的高级合伙人,领导团队开发创新创业教育产品,并与有影响力的机构合作举办各种大型活动。

Vicki Small

Vicki Small is Lead Teacher of a top-ranking education project currently delivering enterprise and entrepreneurship curriculum to over twenty public middle and high schools in Beijing. She believes passionately in a student-centred approach to education, supporting young people to become confident communicators. Vicki also serves as a consultant on Venture Education's product development team. Here, she is involved with the development and implementation of innovative education programmes aligned with UK education pedagogy and tailored for Chinese students. She is an experienced hackathon leader, having recently co-led bespoke design-thinking hackathons with 15 international schools in a 2-day entrepreneurship competition at the biggest annual international schools expo in Beijing.

Vicki Small是创新创业教育项目的首席教师,该项目为北京20多所公办初中和高中提供课程。她秉持以学生为中心的教育方式,助力年轻人成长为自信的沟通者。Vicki还是问创教育产品开发团队的顾问。与此同时,她参与制定并实施数个以英国教育学法为大纲并依据中国学生特点量身打造的创新教育计划。她是一位经验丰富的黑客马拉松活动组织者,在北京近期举办的最大规模的年度国际学校展上,她联合15所国际学校共同主办了为期两天的设计思维创新创业竞赛。


Emily Lumbis aneducation and product consultant with four years of teaching experiences across three countries. In her current role at Venture Education, she is involved in supporting a variety of educational projects ranging from a female empowerment programme to a university preparation programme to design thinking hackathons. She believes in delivering quality international education productsand events that can have a positive impact on students ranging all ages.She is passionate about supporting young people to develop their entrepreneurial and employability skills, drawing experience and knowledge from her education background in a UK Business Management degree.

EmilyLumb是教育和产品顾问,先后在三个国家担任教职并拥有四年的教学经验。从女性赋权项目到大学留学预备项目,再到设计思维黑客马拉松,问创教育的各种教育项目支持活动中都展现了她的实力。Emily Lumb坚信高品质的国际教育产品和活动能够对各年龄段的学生产生积极影响。她充分运用自己在英国企业管理学位学习过程中所汲取的经验和知识,全身心帮助和支持年轻人发展他们的创新创业和就业技能。


UK-NPU Entrepreneurship and Employability Education Day

27th April 2019

B408 of East Teaching Building

09:00 Registration

09.25 Venture Education Opening

09:30 Student Self Reflection Activity

10:30 British Chamber of Commerce Quiz

11:00-12:00 Entrepreneurship Workshop

13:30 Hackathon

17:30 Final Presentations

18:20 British Embassy Closing Speech

18:30 University Closing Speech

NPU Hotel Restaurant

19:30 British-Style Pub Quiz

   21:00 Prize-Giving and Close