云顶集团定于2019年03月29日举办研究生灵犀学术殿堂——Frank Hellmann报告会,现将有关事项通知如下:
报告人:Frank Hellmann 研究员
主题:Powergrid questions for oscillator networks: Stochastic spreading in networked systems and nonlinear stability.
内容简介:Powergrids are continental sized machines of coupled oscillators. While they traditionally consisted of relatively few machines that fed a distribution network, the ongoing energy transition and the shift to distributed renewable generation will see the system change to one in which a large number of oscillators interact dynamically. The task to keep the system stable thus raises important questions for the study of network dynamics.
In this talk I will review recent results on the linear and non-linear network behavior of inertial oscillators. Such oscillators provide an interesting model for the dynamics of current and future power grids and their control. In both cases we see that the presence of many subtle dynamical effects in the behavior of the oscillators and the lines, such as energy losses in the network and small delays in the control action, can have large emergent effects on the characteristics of the entire network.
Frank Hellmann,德国波茨坦气候影响研究所研究员。主要研究跨学科概念和方法可再生电网,网络动态系统,动力系统概率方法等。在诺丁汉大学攻读博士学位,并在Golm的阿尔伯特爱因斯坦研究所(MPI for Gravitational Physics)攻读博士后学位。完成了CoNDyNet:网络上的集体非线性动力学,BmBF项目和电厂模型降阶:气候KIC项目。发表文章28篇,引用达903次。