Time: 9:00-11:00 am,December 18th, 2018
Place: Room 817,Aeronautics Building (A)
Title:Structural effects on the measurement of dynamic strength of brittle materials using SHPB
Speaker: Professor Qingming Li,The University of Manchester
Inviter: Professor Weiguo Guo
Abstract:This presentation introduces a systematic research over past decade about the structural effects on the dynamic strength of brittle materials. The currently-used dynamic measurement method based on SHPB seriously over-calculate the dynamic strength of brittle materials, and many empirical equations based on SHPB measurements are used wrongly in the numerical models. Possible ways to obtain valid strain-rate effect on the dynamic strength of brittle materials and the mechanisms that produce genuine strain-rate effects on the dynamic strength of brittle materials will also be discussed.
简介:李庆明教授,1982年北京大学本科毕业,1986年北京大学研究生毕业获硕士学位,1997年于University of Liverpool获得哲学博士及机械工程博士(DEng),英国机械工程师协会会士(Fellow of Institute of Mechanical Engineers)及注册工程师(CE)。现为英国曼彻斯特大学应用力学教授及冲击爆炸实验室主任。他的研究领域包括结构耐撞性、侵彻力学、固体材料的动态行为、结构保护、多孔固体力学、冲击环境和安全。他目前是国际防护结构协会(IAPS)和国际冲击工程学会(ISIE)的理事会成员。自2008年以来,他一直担任“国际冲击工程杂志”的副主编,并担任其他几家杂志的编委会成员。
Introduction: Prof. Qingming Li is currently a professor in applied mechanics at The University of Manchester, and leads the impact and explosion laboratory. He graduated from Peking University with BSc and MSc and from University of Liverpool with Ph.D and a higher doctorate (Doctor of Engineer, DEng). His research field covers structural crashworthiness, penetration mechanics, dynamic behavior of solid materials, structural protection, mechanics of cellular solids, shock environment and safety. He is currently the board members of International Association of Protective Structures (IAPS) and International Society of Impact Engineering (ISIE). He is a charted engineer (CE) and a fellow of Institute of Mechanical Engineer (FIMechE). He has been the associate editor of International Journal of Impact Engineering since 2008 and editorial board members of several other journals.