为了改进和创新课堂教学形式,激发和培养学生自学习惯和能力,国际教学研究中心(ICTL)邀请来自伦敦玛丽女王大学教育发展中心主任DrCarole Davis、谢菲尔德大学土木与结构学院合作项目主任DrMaria Romero等知名学者共聚云顶集团,探讨工程领域教学方法、交流高等教育新模式。欢迎各位老师、同学参与。
时间 |
报告人 |
报告主题 |
14:10-14:40 |
Dr. Juan Zhang (NPU) |
New Technology in Teaching -Theoretical Mechanics, as Example |
14:40-15:55 |
Dr. Carole Davis (QMUL) |
Populating an Island: Agreeing the priorities and realizing the potential for Centres for Learning and Teaching |
茶休 |
16:10-16:40 |
Dr. Maria Romero (The University of Sheffield) |
Implementing flipped learning to professional skills education |
16:40-17:10 |
Dr. Manyu Xiao (NPU) |
Overview and discussion on Mathematical Education of joint department of QMUL-NPU |
17:10-17:40 |
Matt Potter (QMES) |
The Scope of PDP and Strengthening Collaboration |
Dr. Juan Zhang: Associate Professor of NPU in School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture
Dr. Carole Davis: Head of Educational Development in QMUL
Dr. Maria Romero: Director of Collaborative Programmes in Geography Department ofThe University of Sheffield
Dr Manyu Xiao: Associate professor at Department of Applied Mathematics of NPU
Matt Potter: Lecturer of Language Center for Queen Mary University of London
Titles and Abstracts of the Presentations and Presenters’Biographies
Presenter1:Dr.Juan Zhang
Title: New Technology in Teaching
- Theoretical Mechanics, as Example
Abstract: We'll introduce some new technology in teaching first, such as Rain Class, MOOC, SPOC, Flipped classroom, and share some experience in the course of Theoretical Mechanics. And then we'll discuss the problems we need to face by new technology.
Biography:Dr. Juan Zhang is the Associate Professor of NPU in School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in NPU. She has visited University of California, San Diego, USA from September 2005 to March 2006 and visited University of Adelaide, Australia from March 2011 to March 2012. She took the EMI (English Medium Instruction) course in University of Oxford from September 2017 to October 2017.
Presenter 2:Dr.Carole Davis
Title: Populating an Island: Agreeing the priorities and realizing the potential for Centres for Learning and Teaching
Abstract: “Here I will explore with audience ways in which conversations can take place between the Centre and Faculty, the transformational nature of these conversations and lessons learnt drawing on my experience and scholarly research on the dynamics of rapport building. I draw on my own research on developing a dialogic approach towards teaching observation with engineers and computing scientists sharing my own conceptual framework for satisfying and relevant teaching observation practice.”
Biography:Dr. Carole Davis has a degree in Sociology, followed by training as a cancer specialist and palliative care nurse. She then went onto gain a Masters in Palliative Care and a PhD in Education. Dr Davis led clinical leadership programmes, and then became Director of Post-graduate Programmes in Education and Learning & Teaching Lead for Department of Education at Middlesex University in the UK. In 2015, she received the award of Principal Fellow by the Higher Education Academy as an acknowledgement of her sustained contribution to teaching excellence through the design, delivery and evaluation of high quality educational development programmes in the UK and worldwide. She joined Queen Mary University of London in 2016 as Head of Educational Development, responsible for the development and enhancement of learning and teaching across the whole of Queen Mary. Dr Davis’s research focuses on the experiences of early career academics and in particular how they develop as educators both within the academy and their subject discipline; how intersections of gender, race, religion and class arerelevant to student learning experience and the development of frameworks which enable educational developers and academics to collaborate effectively in transdisciplinary spaces.
Presenter3: Dr. Maria Romero
Title: Implementing flipped learning to professional skills education
Abstract: Education based on flipped classrooms offers the advantage of centering the learning process around the student, resulting in a deeper engagement with the subject area and a better student experience. This talk will introduce the concept of flipped learning and demonstrate through examples how to implement a flipped classroom for delivering education of professional skills. The examples integrate e-learning, on line knowledge acquisition and off line development of academic and professional skills. The student’s learning journey was measured quantitatively through assessment, and student’s experience was evaluated through surveys and interviews. The study follows the progression of a group of students through their course, providing an insight on the impact of flipped learning at programme level. The results showed that students consider they are in charge of their learning and they acquire knowledge that is applicable to a variety of situations including the job environment. From a lecturer’s perspective, the process requires close involvement during design and implementation of the course, which is time consuming. However, over time, the students become independent learners, which facilitates course delivery and saves time, providing a more enjoyable experience for both students and academic staff.
Biography: María Romero-González obtained a degree and MSc in Chemistry from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science of La Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. She worked as a Lecturer in Chemistry in Venezuela before coming to the U.K. In 2001, she completed her PhD in Analytical Chemistry between Chemistry at Sheffield Hallam University and Chemical Engineering at The University of Sheffield. She was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate and Lecturer at the Department of Civil & Structural Engineering and joined the Geography Department in August 2015 as a Lecturer in Environmental Chemistry, where she is the Director of Collaborative Programmes. Her research interests are the studying the interfacial chemical structure on reactions involving mineral and cell surfaces, molecular scale studies of the structure and bonding of contaminants on living surfaces, soils, sediments and water for biomineralisation, biorecovery and bioremediation, and student-centred learning approaches to teaching and learning. Maria will join QMUL in August 2018 as a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the School of Engineering and Materials Science and the Queen Mary University of London Engineering School at NPU.
Presenter 4: Dr. Manyu Xiao
Title:Overview and discussion on Mathematical Education of joint department of QMUL-NPU
Abstract: In this talk, I will present the international mathematical courses of NPU including the key features, the syllabus, and the teaching methodology. Then I will talk about what we have explored in the mathematical courses of the joint department of QMUL-NPU. Construction and implementation of various teaching methods and evaluation forms will be mentioned. Finally, we will discuss some proposals for the future improvements.
Biography:Manyu Xiao is an associate professor at Department of Applied Mathematics of NPU. She has obtained her Ph.D. in Advanced Mechanics from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) in Compiègne, France in 2010. Her thesis entitled “Multidisciplinary Design Optimization with Model Reduction and Parallel Computing” was nominated for the best thesis award "Guy Deniélou" and was also published by Edition Universitaire Européenne. Then, she continued her research as a post-doctoral fellow in the Roberval laboratory France. Since 2012, she works as an Associate Professor atNPU. Her research interests include reduced order modeling, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, multi-fidelity co-kriging, parallel algorithms, structural optimization with categorical variables and topology optimization. She is a member of the joint French-Chinese research group "Virtual Prototyping and Design." She currently serves as scientific reviewer for various international journals. Until now, she has herself authored/co-authored over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, three book chapters, and several referenced conference papers. From the teaching point of view, she teaches several mathematical courses in English including linear algebra, computer methods, and mathematical modeling and computing, etc. She is responsible for the international mathematical courses of NPU since 2012 and two mathematical courses of joint department of QMUL-NPU. To investigate the international teaching methods, she has visited the University of Alabama in Huntsville, the USA in 2014 and the Queen Mary University of London in 2016. During her teaching reform, she has successfully implemented one teaching project at NPU and one teaching project of Shaanxi province. In 2013 and 2014 she has obtained First rank excellent teaching results of NPU award. Further teaching achievements have been published in international conference proceedings.
Presenter 5:Matt Potter
Title:The Scope of PDP and Strengthening Collaboration
Abstract:In essence, every teacher or lecturer on the QMES programmes is a PDP teacher (PDP: Personal Development Plan). The scope of an undergraduate PDP module fallsunder three broad headings: Transition to University, Study Skills and Employability. This short talk aims to generate discussion of how to best meet the specific requirements of this special cohort of students in each of these three areas through stronger collaboration between the host university and the school in the delivery of this highly important support module.
Biography:Matt Potter has been involved in Higher Education for almost 20 years and spent over 10 years teaching and working in the Language Center for Queen Mary University of London. At Queen Mary, and previously at universities across the world, he has been responsible for delivering, designing and managing EAP modules (English for Academic Purposes) for specific academic subjects including Politics & International Relations, Law, Business Management and Materials Science. Matt has an MA in Linguistics, an Advanced Diploma in TESOL Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and has a number of publications in the field.