主题:Size effects in mechanics, materials science and engineering
内容简介:Although size effect has been aware of by Leonardo da Vinci and Gallileo Galilei as early as the 1500s and 1600s, all the observed size effects were generally believed to be attributed to the randomness of material strength. This view remains until the 1980s. Actually, size scaling ubiquitously exists in very physics and engineering domain and size effect thus become a quintessential issue to be considered and addressed. With the overwhelming trend of product miniaturization in many industrial clusters, size effect has become an eluded and tantalizing issue as it affects the design, manufacturing and usage of meso- and micro-scaled products, down-sized physical phenomena, micro- and nano-scaled processing of materials, and many engineering activities involved in different miniaturized scales. In this talk, an epistemological understanding of size effect and an insight into its affected behaviors and phenomena in various disciplines including mechanics, materials science and engineering will be presented. The challenges for in-depth exploration of size effects in different domains will be given and more scientifically needed researches are elucidated. The talk will give a panorama of size effect and its related understanding, and thus provide a basis for further exploration and study of this unique phenomenon.
傅铭旺教授主要研究综合产品设计与工艺研发,金属成形与模具设计,微细精密零部件的制造及先进材料微细成形加工。他是国际制造工程师学会的资深会员,以及担任International Journal of Plasticity、Material & Design、International Journal of Damage Mechanics、International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology等多个权威SCI期刊编委。他也是多个国家重大奖项评比、多个国家/地区项目课题申报特邀评审人。傅教授现已在IJP、IJMTM、JMPT等顶级/权威期刊发表SCI论文160余篇,其中塑性领域TOP1期刊IJP 8篇,以及由国际著名出版社Marcel Dekker (New York),Springer-Verlag London Ltd,CRC Press和Taylor & Francis Group出版英语专著4部。另外,他有多篇学术论文被著名的国际微制造会议授予“最佳论文奖”,以及多篇学术论文被Web of ScienceTM评为“ESI高被引论文”。