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【学术报告】研究生灵犀学术殿堂第236期之Tom I-P. Shih教授报告会的通知

发布时间:2017年10月18日 来源:动力与能源学院 点击数:


云顶集团定于2017年10月24日(星期二)举办研究生灵犀学术殿堂——Tom I-P. Shih教授报告会,现将有关事项通知如下:


报告人:Tom I-P. Shih教授…

时 间:2017年10月24日(星期二) 上午9:30

地 点:长安校区 动力与能源学院225会议室

主 题:燃气轮机传热-机遇与挑战



党委研究生工作部 动力与能源学院



Tom I-P. Shih,美国普渡大学航空航天学院教授,院长。Tom I-P. Shih教授先后就职于爱荷华州立大学(教授、主任;2003-2009)、密歇根州立大学(教授;1998-2003)、卡耐基梅隆大学(副教授,1988-1993;教授,1993-1998)、佛罗里达大学(副教授,1983-1988)以及NASA研究中心(机械工程师,1981-1982)。Tom Shih教授最早于西弗吉尼亚大学开始大学本科阶段学习,于国立成功大学获得学士学位;后在密歇根大学安娜堡分校获得硕士和博士学位。他是ASME和AIAA的研究员,并获得了AIAA的能源系统奖。


Tom Shih is The J. William Uhrig and Anastasia Vournas Head and Professor of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University. Previously, he was professor and chair of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University (2003-09). He also has held positions at Michigan State University (professor, 1998-2003), Carnegie Mellon University (associate professor, 1988-93; professor, 1993-98), the University of Florida (assistant Professor, 1983-87; associate professor, 1987-88), and NASA – Lewis (now Glenn) Research Center (mechanical engineer, 1981-82). Shih started his undergraduate education at West Virginia University but completed his B.S. degree at the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan in 1976. He received his M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees from The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1977 and 1981, respectively. He is a Fellow of ASME and AIAA and received AIAA’s Energy Systems Award.

Shih’s research interests are in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Shih and his students have developed a number of algorithms and CFD codes for studying reacting and nonreacting, compressible and incompressible flows. Algorithms and codes have also been developed for directnumerical simulation (DNS) of particle-particle interactions that resolve the flow past each moving particle, algebraic grid generation for complex geometries, knowledge-based-automatic grid generation rooted in Chimera grids, and methods for estimating and correcting for grid-induced errors in CFD solutions. By using modelling and simulation, Shih and his students have studied a wide range of problems in aerodynamics (airfoils and wings with ice accretion, control of shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions by bleed, and mixedcompression inlets for supersonic aircraft); energy, power, and propulsion systems (gas turbine combustors, piston and Wankel rotary engines, automotive torque converters, automotive clutches, liquid-ring vacuum pumps, thermoelectric power generators); cooling of gas-turbine hot section (blade-passage/endwall aerodynamics and heat transfer; internal and film cooling of turbine vanes, blades, and “edges”; conjugate heat transfer; ingress through rim seals); two-phase flows (free-surface flows, objects impacting from air into oceans, electrodeposition of colloidal particles; particle/particle and particle/fluid interactions in particle-laden flows, and atomization and sprays); materials processing (thermal spray forming, cold spray forming); and multifunction materials (thermal-fluid issues and energy harvesting). In these endeavors, Shih has co-authored one textbook; co-edited one book; authored and co-authored 10 book chapters and more than 200 technical papers in journals and conferences; presented nearly 200 invited talks; and served as advisor or co-advisor to 28 Ph.D. and 55 M.S. students.