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【学术讲座】英国杜伦大学Grant Ingram教授授课通知

发布时间:2017年10月13日 来源: 点击数:

报告人:Prof. Grant Ingram

Speaker: Prof. Grant Ingram


Host: Prof. Dingxi Wang


Fundamentals of Turbomachinery(叶轮机械基础)

1. Velocity Vectors and Turbomachinery Classification(14:00-14:45, 16th Oct)

速度向量和叶轮机械分类( 教西C107)

2. Conservation of Mass and Momentum applied to Turbomachinery (15:00-15:45,16th Oct)

质量和动量守恒在叶轮机械中的应用( 教西C107)

3. Energy and Efficiency (16:00-16:45, 16th Oct)

能量和效率( 教西C107)

4. Dimensionless Parameters for Turbomachinery (17:00-17:45,16th Oct)

叶轮机械中的无量纲参数( 教西C107)

5. Worked Examples and Applications (14:00-14:45, 17th Oct)

范例和应用( 教西C205)

Turbomachinery Aerodynamics(叶轮机械气体动力学)

1. Design of Compressor Cascades and Stages (15:00-15:45, 17th Oct)

压气机叶栅和级设计( 教西C205)

2. Design of Turbine Cascades and Stages (16:00-16:45, 17th Oct)

涡轮叶栅和级设计( 教西C205)

3. Design of a Modern Turbines (17:00-17:45, 17th Oct)

现代涡轮设计( 教西C205)

4. 3D Blade Design (08:30 – 09:15, 18h Oct)

三维叶片设计( 教西C313)

5. Loss Mechanisms in Turbomachines (09:30 – 10:15, 18th Oct)

叶轮机中的损失机理( 教西C313)

Secondary Flows and Leakage Flows(二次流和泄露流)

1. Introduction to Secondary and Leakage Flows (10:30-11:15, 18th Oct)

二次流和泄露流简介( 教西C313)

2. Profiled Endwalls Case Study (11:30-12:15, 18th Oct)

端壁造型范例分析( 教西C313)

3. Blade Lean Case Study (16:00-16:45, 19th Oct)

叶片弯曲造型范例分析( 教西C213)

4. Aerostatic Seals Case Study (17:00-17:45, 19th Oct)

气封范例分析( 教西C213)

5. Recent work on Entropy Generation Rate (19:00-19:45, 19th Oct)

熵增率最新研究( 教西C213)

Experimental Methods(实验方法)

1. Comparison of Physical and Numerical Modelling (20:00-20:45, 19th Oct)

物理和数值模拟比较( 教西C213)

2. Techniques for Aerodynamic Measurement (8:30-9:15, 20th Oct)

气动测量技术( 教西C21 5)

(1). Pressure Probes(压力探针)

(2). Hot Films(热线仪)

(3). Laser Measurement(激光测量)

(4). Surface Flow Visualisation(物面流动可视化)

3. Durham University Measurement Capability and Methods (9:30-10:15, 20th Oct)

杜伦大学叶轮机气动测量能力和方法( 教西C215)

(1). Facility Setup and Design(设施建立和设计)

(2). Instrumentation Operation and Accuracy(仪器运行和精度)

4. Recent developments in instrumentation (10:30-11:15, 20th Oct)

叶轮机气动测量仪器研发进展( 教西C215)

5. University and Company Experimental Facilities Worldwide (11:30-12:15, 20th Oct)

世界各地大学和企业实验设施( 教西C215)


Grant Ingram博士是英国杜伦大学的副教授,英国工程师协会注册工程师。他的研究方向为叶轮机械气体动力学,关注如何从流体力学的角度出发,提高叶轮机械的效率,使得新能源和可再生能源技术更好地得以应用。他发表了约50篇学术论文,出版了一本专著。他的教学内容主要涵盖流体力学和热力学,讲课的规模小到一对一的本科毕设,大到150人左右的大课。他也组织和讲授过针对工业界的短期培训课程,比如“汽轮机技术课程”。

Speaker’s Biography

Dr. Grant Ingram is an associate professor at University of Durham, UK, an Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. His research focuses on making turbomachinery more efficient and making new and renewable technologies work better - both of which are approached from a fluid mechanics background. He has produced around fifty papers and one book either on my own or with co-authors. His teaching covers fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, ranging from lectures with up to 150 students to one-to-one supervisions with final year project students. He has also organized and taught on a number of short courses for Industry, most notably the “Steam Turbine Technology Course”.