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【学术讲座】比利时列日大学Michael Kraft教授学术讲座

发布时间:2017年01月12日 来源: 点击数:

报告题目:New approaches tobiomedicaland biochemical sensors

报 告 人:Michael Kraft 教授

邀 请 人:常洪龙教授



报告简介:Biomedical and biochemical sensors are used routinely in clinical medicine and biological research for measuring a wide range of physiological variables. They are of great promise to further improve the detection limits and selectivity for the quantification of biological analytesand are the main building blocks of diagnostic medical instrumentation found in physicians' offices, clinical laboratories, and hospitals. The need for accurate medical diagnostic procedures places stringent requirements on the design and use of biomedical and biochemical sensors.

报告题目:Coupled resonator as a new transduction paradigm for a wide range of sensors

报 告 人:Michael Kraft 教授

邀 请 人:常洪龙教授



报告简介:Thetransduction scheme based onmode localization of weakly coupled resonators (WCRs)was proved as an effective way to enhance the sensitivityof resonant sensors. Mode localization can be described as a small symmetry-breaking perturbation to a periodical oscillating system with two symmetric resonant units, leading to energy confinement, mode localization and curve veering (the three terms are different manifestations of the same phenomenon). Using this effect, the sensitivity of WCRs based sensors could be enhanced by orders of magnitude compared with traditional resonant sensors.

报告题目:An overview ofthe state-of-the-art SOI process

报 告 人:Michael Kraft 教授

邀 请 人:常洪龙教授



报告简介:Silicon-on-insulator (SOI), as a new substitution of bulk silicon, which has the advantages of power dissipation, low parasitic capacitance, restrainning the pulse effect, eliminating the latch-up effect, and takes over the main position. In this talk, we discuss the current situation and prospects of SOI in terms of SOI' s development, process, research, application and market prediction.

报告题目:Engineering Atom and IonChips

报 告 人:Michael Kraft 教授

邀 请 人:常洪龙教授



报告简介:Atom chips offer a convenient way to miniaturize experiments in atomic physics. Microstructures on the surface of the chip produce magnetic and/or electric fields, which can be used to confine and manipulate cold alkali atoms near the surface of the chip. The large field gradients that can be generated near a microstructured surface permit the controlled tunnelling of atoms over micron or sub-micron lengths. This makes the atom chip a natural platform for applications in coherent matter-wave control such as miniaturized atom interferometry, quantum information processing, and the study of low-dimensional quantum gases.

报告人简介:Michael Kraft是比利时列日大学微纳米系统方向的教授。Kraft教授1993年本科毕业于德国纽伦堡大学, 1997年博士毕业于英国考文垂大学。1998-1999年在加州大学伯克利传感器中心做博士后。之后在英国南安普顿大学任讲师、教授至2012年。期间还担任南安普顿纳米制备中心主任。2012-2014年在德国杜伊斯堡弗劳恩霍夫研究所担任微纳米系统部门负责人,专注于微传感器和生物混合系统的全面集成。2015年加入比利时列日大学。

Kraft教授主要致力于惯性传感器、微纳米制造工艺、微传感器的闭环控制系统以及原子芯片等领域的研究。2005年,其研究小组为MEMS加速度计开发了世界上第一个5阶调制器(SDM)接口,并在2007年开发了一个带通SDM MEMS陀螺仪。Kraft教授还对静电悬浮微物的传感和驱动应用做了开创性工作,并且开发了MEMS原子和离子芯片。Kraft教授多次在国际学术交流会议上作特邀报告,发表200多篇同行评议的期刊和会议论文。
